Wells Fargo Attune World Elite Mastercard®
Earn unlimited 4% cash rewards for taking care of yourself and the world around you.
Maximize your cash rewards with categories that fit your needs
Attune Bonus Cash Rewards Categories and Merchant Categories
It’s where you buy that determines bonus eligibility
Please see the merchant category details below for more information. To qualify for the Cash Rewards Bonus, you must purchase items from merchants with these included merchant categories. Wells Fargo cannot control how a retailer chooses to classify or name their business. Merchants are assigned merchant category codes based on the kinds of products and services they provide. Your purchases may not use the category you might expect.

Earn unlimited 4% cash rewards while revitalizing your well-being with gym memberships, at spas, and salons. Maximize your rewards and enjoy the benefits of relaxation and wellness.
Qualifying merchant categories1
- Beauty and Barber Shops
- Gym Memberships and Fitness Studios
- Health and Beauty Spas
- Massage Parlors
1. Purchases and transactions are submitted and categorized by the merchant. The same merchant may also submit their transactions under different merchant categories, some purchases may not fall into the category where you might expect them to appear.

Sports, Recreation, and Entertainment
Earn unlimited 4% cash rewards by fueling your passion for select entertainment and recreation. From watching your favorite sports team to visiting an amusement park or enjoying a night out, earn cash rewards from the moments that make life unforgettable.
Qualifying merchant categories1
- Artist's Supply and Craft Shops
- Camera and Photographic Supply Stores
- Hobby, Toy, and Game Shops
- Photofinishing Laboratories and Photo Developing
- Sewing, Needlework, Fabric and Piece Goods Stores
1. Purchases and transactions are submitted and categorized by the merchant. The same merchant may also submit their transactions under different merchant categories, some purchases may not fall into the category where you might expect them to appear.
Qualifying merchant categories1
- Florist
- Florists Supplies Nursery Stock and Flowers
- Nurseries and Lawn and Garden Supply Stores
1. Purchases and transactions are submitted and categorized by the merchant. The same merchant may also submit their transactions under different merchant categories, some purchases may not fall into the category where you might expect them to appear.
Qualifying merchant categories1
- Aquariums, Seaquariums, Dolphinariums, and Zoos
- Amusement Parks
- Billiard and Pool Establishments
- Bowling Alleys
- Circuses, Carnivals, and Fortune Tellers
- Dance Halls, Studios and Schools
- Public Golf Courses
- Recreation Services Not Elsewhere Classified
- Sporting and Recreational Camps
- Tourist Attractions and Exhibits
- Trailer Parks and Campgrounds
1. Purchases and transactions are submitted and categorized by the merchant. The same merchant may also submit their transactions under different merchant categories, some purchases may not fall into the category where you might expect them to appear.
Qualifying merchant categories1
- Pet Shops, Pet Foods, and Supplies Stores
- Other Miscellaneous Services
1. Purchases and transactions are submitted and categorized by the merchant. The same merchant may also submit their transactions under different merchant categories, some purchases may not fall into the category where you might expect them to appear.
Qualifying merchant categories1
- Bicycle Shops – Sales and Service
- Boat Rentals and Leasing
- Marinas, Marine Service, and Supplies
- Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rentals
- Sports and Riding Apparel Stores
- Sporting Goods Stores
1. Purchases and transactions are submitted and categorized by the merchant. The same merchant may also submit their transactions under different merchant categories, some purchases may not fall into the category where you might expect them to appear.
Qualifying merchant categories1
- Bands, Orchestras, and Miscellaneous Entertainers
- Commercial Sports, Professional Sports Clubs, Athletic Fields, and Sports Promoters
- Ticket Agencies and Theatrical Producers
1. Purchases and transactions are submitted and categorized by the merchant. The same merchant may also submit their transactions under different merchant categories, some purchases may not fall into the category where you might expect them to appear.
Qualifying merchant categories1
- Book Stores
- Cable and Other Pay Television
- Digital Goods Media – Books, Movies, Digital artwork/images, Music
- DVD/Video Tape Rental Stores
- Large Digital Goods Merchant
- Motion Picture Theaters
- Music Stores – Musical Instruments, Pianos, and Sheet Music
- Record Stores
1. Purchases and transactions are submitted and categorized by the merchant. The same merchant may also submit their transactions under different merchant categories, some purchases may not fall into the category where you might expect them to appear.

Planet-Friendly Purchases
Earn unlimited 4% cash rewards on EV charging stations, riding public transportation, and purchasing select second hand and vintage.
Qualifying merchant categories1
- Antique Shops
- Used Merchandise and Secondhand Store
1. Purchases and transactions are submitted and categorized by the merchant. The same merchant may also submit their transactions under different merchant categories, some purchases may not fall into the category where you might expect them to appear.
Qualifying merchant categories1
- EV Charging Stations
1. Purchases and transactions are submitted and categorized by the merchant. The same merchant may also submit their transactions under different merchant categories, some purchases may not fall into the category where you might expect them to appear.
Qualifying merchant categories1
- Local and Suburban Commuter Passenger Transportation, including Ferries
1. Purchases and transactions are submitted and categorized by the merchant. The same merchant may also submit their transactions under different merchant categories, some purchases may not fall into the category where you might expect them to appear.
Qualifying merchant categories1
- Passenger Railways
1. Purchases and transactions are submitted and categorized by the merchant. The same merchant may also submit their transactions under different merchant categories, some purchases may not fall into the category where you might expect them to appear.
Qualifying merchant categories1
- Other Transportation Services
1. Purchases and transactions are submitted and categorized by the merchant. The same merchant may also submit their transactions under different merchant categories, some purchases may not fall into the category where you might expect them to appear.